Why is HOCKEY off season training so important in 2022?

This off-season separates the bubble players from the starting line, it’s your choice which player you want to be.

It’s 2022 and all of us just spent 2 years behind screens, at home, and inactive. Hockey games and practices have been on and off for years now. The last season probably didn’t go as expected. You were likely fatiguing early in game, not as powerful off your first step, reacting late to the play, and feeling every hit rattle your bones. The good news is that with commitment and smart work this off season, we can turn your next season around. This is an opportunity for you to close the gap from being an average player to showing up your best and blowing away the competition.



Sure, you could head to the gym on your own and push yourself through high intensity workouts, break a sweat, and lift some weights, but it’s not going to make you a better athlete. When it comes to off season training, there needs to be a structured plan that translates into your athleticism on ice. Your own gauntlet of bicep curls, box jumps, and back squats isn’t going to cut it if you want to be taking draws instead of taking stats in the stands next season.

At Jolt, we have a 4 month Hockey Off Season program that will take you through phases of:

  1. Rebuild & Reprogram

  2. Strength Development

  3. Power Expression

We start the off season with rehabilitation to ensure those hits don’t rattle your bones next season and we start our injury prehab to ensure next season is as healthy as possible. Our coaches are specialized in Mobility & Prehab and Injury Prevention & Management. After we have looked after your structural integrity, our strength coaches progress you into building overall strength. We taper that strength into sport specific strength as we progress closer to the season. We finish off by taking that sport specific strength and we turn it into athletic power. We peak just in time for the season reaching your max power and speed just as you step back out onto the ice.


The last two years were a mess. You missed out on so much, including exposure to training on and off the ice. We asked athletes to sit in a chair, at home, alone and behind a screen. I mean practice on Zoom, really? If there’s two things in the world that athletes hate doing it’s:

1. Sitting still at a desk with a screen (we’re born to move!)

2. Being alone and removed from our teammates.

We’re expecting to see a high volume of athletic injuries in the next 3 years, as we head back into full swing hockey. Our bodies have adapted to being sedentary and are unable to handle the volume of activity. We’re asking our bodies to push and if we don’t build ourselves to be strong and resilient this off season, then when push comes to shove we’re going to break. We need to rebuild athletes this off season and we start this May.

If you’re interested in working hard this off season, then sign up for a 9-5 job in labour or jump on your bed. If you want to become more resilient, stronger, powerful, faster and play your best hockey next season, join us at Jolt for Hockey Off Season Training.


