Why do we have better rehab protocols for sprained ankles than mothers after birth?

RETURNS IN GYM: May 6th 2025

We are a certified Pre and Post Natal Rehabilitation facility. Our coaches are Movement Optimization and Prehab specialists raising the standard of care for women postpartum. We have coaches with extensive education and certifications in pre and post natal care and the personal experience of pregnancy, post partum and rehabilitation. We are focused on healing movement dysfunction and rehabilitation with the goal to build back to the strongest versions of ourselves. We build resilient bodies and create high quality lives.

Pregnancy and birth are an athletic event. The process is more physically taxing than the Stanley Cup & Super Bowl combined. The body has gone through significant stress and change. The body and mind needs support through active health care with educated professionals guidance. We can offer healing, strength and resiliency beyond a 7 minute check-up.

After birth, mom and her recovery are often forgotten about. There’s little to no focus on mom’s health after birth. So much care goes into women’s health during pregnancy, but what about after birth?

With so much focus on the baby, endless scrolling of ‘perfect celebrity mama’s’ telling you ‘how to bounce back’, and wondering how every other mom on Tik Tok is holding it together “so easily”, it can seem impossible to think you deserve health and fitness too.

This 4-week program asks moms and those who have given birth to give 50 minutes twice a week to their health and fitness. The program helps heal Diastasis Recti through core stability drills, reverses postural deficits after ~40 weeks of carrying, and eases chronic pain from repetitive tasks like sitting with, feeding, and carrying the baby.

Choose your RESILIENCY plan


  • 4 Week In Gym Program

  • 2x 60 minute sessions per week (Tues/Thrs 10:15am)

  • Post Natal Certified coach led

  • All kids welcome

  • Offered 2-3x/year at Jolt Fitness [Spring/Fall]

Investment: $179+ tax


  • 12 rehabilitation sessions (4 weeks, 3x per week, 45-60 min. sessions)

  • Video demos with detailed instructions

  • Diastasis Recti self-check

Investment: 69$ + tax

All you need is:


  • Work on your own schedule online or in person

  • Move at your own pace & achieve goals including & beyond Post Natal Rehab

  • Post Natal Certified coach led including guidance on nutrition, sleep & stress management

  • All kids welcome in our family friendly facility



  • Rebuilding the core & healing Diastasis Recti

  • Recreating breathing patterns

  • Restructuring posture & back strength

  • Strengthening the glutes, hips & pelvic floor

  • Giving like-minded women a place to meet each other & feel supported along the way

  • Transitioning women into appropriate classes & intensity levels for you to continue to progress your fitness, after the rehab program we offer a 4 week Mom + Baby Fitness class

  • Create a routine to set you up as a health leader for your family


because life goes beyond rehab.

This full body Lift class is for mom's with young kids who want to workout and lead their families in a high quality, healthy and resilient lifestyle. This is for those who have completed the Post Natal Rehab program, but strive for more than getting back to baseline. This program is for mom’s who are ready to solidify fitness into their new routines, create a healthy lifestyle for themselves & their family, and thrive in every year to follow.

This 4 week program always follows our Post Natal Rehab program, creating opportunity for 8 weeks of active health care. Register for every Tuesday & Thursday at 11:15am for four weeks or drop in as you go.

This class should not replace Jolt's Post Natal REHAB program (or equivalent program). A rehab program should be completed prior to joining this class. We offer Post Natal Rehab programs in person 2-3x year, or the program is always available online or through personal training. Please inquire to find out if this class is right for you.

Drop in rate: $23+tax or register for 4 week program $144+tax


At Jolt Fitness we are changing the narrative and fitness industry. We’re leading the charge in an active health care approach to fitness. Our client centered and individualized care is delievered with education, understanding and integrity. We’re proud to be delivering the highest quality active health care services available in Huron County. Join us in building your resilient body and high quality life.

  • When I first found out I was pregnant I had a lot of questions about exercising. Is it safe? Will I hurt the baby? What exercises should I avoid? I knew I wanted to continue exercising, but I felt I didn’t have enough education about pre/postnatal fitness.

    I completed my Pre/Post Natal Fitness certification, so that no other woman has to have the same worries and fears I did. We always hear “just do what you’ve always done” and “listen to your body”. While parts of these generalized statements may be true, it’s important to approach pre/post natal exercise within your own scope of practice. Everyone's pregnancies are completely individualized, your exercise programming should be as well.

    My birth was no walk in the park but it truly showed me how capable, strong, and resilient my body is. Building myself up in preparation for labour was one of the best decisions I made. Now being in my Postpartum body (which is forever), I can focus on building my body and mind back up. There is no going back to my old body, there is only moving forward.

    Birth is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. An ACL injury gets more attention and care than a Mom does postpartum. Birth is a life altering event that gets grazed over at your 6 week appointment. Considering a woman carries the baby for 40+ weeks, we deserve more than a 7 minute appointment.

    I am passionate about you feeling good over “looking good”. You deserve to be strong. You deserve to be empowered. Become both by building your highest quality life with our Post Natal Rehab Program and Mom + Baby Fitness classes.

    Pregnancy And Postpartum Athleticism Coaching Certification

  • I created Jolt Fitness to change the narrative about fitness. I believe fitness is more than just bicep curls and six pack abs. Fitness changed my life by providing me an outlet to build strength, confidence and resiliency, both physically and mentally.

    I struggled most of my young adult life with eating disorders and obsessive exercise behaviour. There were minimal resources available to help me break the cycle.

    I created Jolt to break the cycle. Jolt Fitness breaks ground in the fitness industry by being active health care leaders.

    Build your resilient body and live your highest quality life with us. Be a health leader for your family.

    Growco Post Natal Rehabilitation Certified

    Institute of Clinical Excellence - Physical Therapy, Clinical Management of the Fitness Athlete: Pregnancy & Post Partum