Athlete development is one of my passions when it comes to coaching. I wear the title of Coach with pride when the athletes in the gym call me over for help on their form or ask me questions about their game day nutrition. Promoting sports is important to me because sports shaped my life. Growing up I played hockey, fastball, and cheerleading with most my focus being placed on hockey as I progressed. Hockey gave me an opportunity to make friendships that were similar to my goals and values, weekend games kept me out of high school parties and the wrong crowds, and hockey provided me a scholarship to continue my education post secondary. I wouldn’t have even gone to university, if hockey was not pushing me that direction.

Now, as the owner of Jolt Fitness, I can see how hockey built me to be a creative and resilient entrepreneur. Every decision I make at Jolt Fitness I can relate back to the skills I built on the ice and in the dressing room. We look forward to Jolt being a hub for athletes to develop their game and gain education on their training and nutrition.

Our Hockey Off Season program runs May-September (1-3x/week) for athletes ages 13+. Athletes under the age of 13 should attend Strongkids classes.

top 3 hockey OFF SEASON TRAINING mistakes


Athletes are creatures of structure and routine; our minds and bodies crave continual self growth, resisting stagnation at every turn. The key to success during the season lies in detailed planning and hard work during the off-season. In utilizing this downtime, athletes can guide their bodies through purposeful phases of training. At Jolt, our hockey off-season program is meticulously crafted to ensure that you kick off the new season in peak physical condition. Across a span of 5 months, we methodically structure your training regimen to navigate through phases of rebuilding, reprogramming, functional strength development, and athletic power enhancement.


A well-structured Off-Season program breeds athleticism that seamlessly translates into enhanced on-field performance. Gone are the days of subjecting athletes to three-month bouts of senseless, grueling workouts designed solely to induce physical exhaustion and soreness. Such unguided training regimens not only breed burnout but also pave the way for potential injuries during gameplay. It's time to move on from training fueled by ego and welcome a new era of training built around educated, progressively structured programming coupled with guidance from trainers who know when to push and how to connect to athletes for optimal results. Athletes are well-versed in the art of pushing themselves to the limit; what they truly require is the empowerment to work smart, efficiently, and build their peak performance. At Jolt, we prioritize fundamental aspects such as structural integrity, injury rehabilitation and prevention, nervous system recuperation, sport-specific stability, mobility and weight transfer, as well as cultivable explosiveness, speed, and power. This transcends mere physical exercises like burpees, box jumps, and bicep curls; this is about sculpting athletes into peak performers.


Athletes possess a unique blend of determination and resilience that sets them apart from their peers. Their ability to push beyond boundaries and embrace discomfort is truly exceptional. While athletes inherently understand the value of hard work, they often require guidance on how to channel that effort effectively. Here at Jolt, we empower athletes to explore various training zones, transcending the confines of mere 'beast mode' to foster peak performance as they approach their season.

Our approach delves deeper than surface-level intensity; we prioritize the systematic development of athletes to ensure they reach their prime condition when it matters most. Through a meticulously structured training plans we dedicate time to fortifying the foundation of healthy knees and hips over a span of four weeks, followed by six weeks of cultivating fundamental strength. We seamlessly transition this strength into hockey-specific performance athleticism over a six-week period. This methodical progression is designed to have athletes peak as they step back on the ice at their home opener

Moreover, we underscore the importance of timing in performance optimization. Peaking too early during the off-season can potentially pave the way for issues such as injuries, burnout, fatigue, and a general decline in performance levels as the season progresses. By aligning our structured programming with the natural rhythms of athletic development, we equip athletes with the tools they need to excel at the right moment and sustain their performance across the entire season.


At Jolt, we provide appropriate and educated training to leave athletes feeling empowered and confident in their athletic pursuits. We build athletes up physically and mentally to reach their peak performance.


Why is HOCKEY off season training so important in 2022?
