Supplements are a 1% boost, that means they only help after you help yourself FIRST. If we’re trying to out supplement our poor sleep, nutrition, and workouts then you may as well just burn those dollars. Too often we see media boasting “magic supplements” rather than creating effective lifestyle changes.
If you’re a health conscious person who has covered ALL the big rocks then a 1% gain is huge! It also adds up in the long run. For example, my clients with arthritis benefit from magnesium and omega 3 in the long run after being consistent with taking it over time.
Supplements are meant to do just that - supplement your diet NOT replace it.
If you got the big rocks covered like sleep, nutrition, stress management and physical activity then keep reading for my favourite supplements, the one’s you can get rid of, and what to look for in your supplements.
In my opinion there are two categories of supplements.
Performance & beauty supplements
Health supplements
However, there can be cross over between the two. For example, Creatine is performance enhancing AND amazing for your brain and muscular health, but typically supplements fit into one of these two categories.
In my opinion, performance and beauty supplements are created to “target” our insecurities. They typically come with fancy marketing and famous faces. I think the performance supplements like pre-workout and BCAA’s are more targeted to men and the fat burners, collagen, green juice and hair vitamins are more targeted to women. It allows the industry to organize us into a nice little demographic for them to attack (ahem, I mean market). Now these supplements aren’t necessarily bad for us, but for the most part they are not necessary and typically aren’t all that they claim to be (with a few exceptions).
Health supplements are something I consider necessary for optimal health. These are things your body cannot live without. These heavily effect your quality of life (including your performance and beauty too!). These are usually vitamins a that we SHOULD get from food (in a perfect world). When you take these supplements we are filling a deficiency. For example, Omega 3 (from fatty fish), Magnesium (from avocados & nuts), Vitamin D (from the sun), and Creatine (from animal products). Unfortunately, many companies try to dress up beauty supplements as health supplements (like detoxes, juices, beauty powders, etc).
The supplement world is confusing, dark and manipulative. The unregulated supplement industry relies on attacking your biggest insecurities. Their marketing wants us to feel bad about ourselves and our body, so that they can offer us a quick fix solution. The industry tries to make supplements as part of our routine by claiming that we need a pill or powder when we wake up, before we workout, while we workout, after we workout, before bed and so on and on and on. The more they can tie a supplement to our routine, the more they can try to sell us. The supplement industry is projected to be a 150-200 billion dollar industry in the next 5-10 years, so its no surprise we are seeing the beauty, influencer and celebrity industry cross over into it. So before we go emptying our pockets for the next latest and greatest, hear me out and look for these details.
The supplement industry is highly unregulated. That means almost any Joe off the street can create a supplement and sell it online. Slap a “famous” face to this product whether it be your favourite famous influencer or Jillian Micheals and that pill will fly off the shelves. The FDA requires the bare minimum for supplement companies to prove that their product is safe, that they live up to their bold claims, or that they contain what they say they do. The FDA (Food & Drug Administration) only steps in AFTER harm has been caused on a large scale or after the product is on the shelf.
This means you can have high quality supplements and low quality supplements that appear the exact same on the shelf. Just like you can buy a name brand vacuum like a Dyson or you can buy a knock off vacuum, quality matters! Third party testing can confirm if a supplement is true to the label.
Is it GMO free?
Genetically Modified Organisms can effect the nutritional content of food, your bodies natural response, toxicity, organ transfer, and gene transfer. We don’t currently have enough human long term research on GMO’s to truly tell the side effects of them. Some European countries have already banned GMO’s completely.
No artificial colours
Most commonly Yellow 5, Yellow 6 and Red 40-contain compounds that research has linked with cancer, allergies, hyperactivity, learning impairment, irritability and aggressiveness.
No artificial sweeteners
Cue aspartame, sucralose, saccharin, acesulfame-K, cyclamate. These can lead to migraines, IBS, bloating, digestive issues, depression & create hyper palatability*.
*Hyper palatability is another whole blog post. These are so hyper sweet that they change the way your brain processes sweetness. If you have too much or too often then it makes naturally sweet foods like fruit taste less sweet. Therefore you crave MORE and EXTREME sweetness long term
No titanium dioxide
Brightens the colour of your food. When did food become a beauty pageant? Well, the more attracted you are to the food the more likely you are to eat it. That’s why the snack aisle is filled with rainbow packaging that attracts your eye. I totally ate rainbow wonder bread as a kid, LOL. Anyways. it can be toxic in powder form and cause you to over consume.
No magnesium stearate
This is basically a preserver so your food lasts longer on the shelf. It’s an emulsifier, binder and thickener, anti-caking, lubricant, and antifoaming agent..
The good news is, the great companies take it into their own hands with third party testing.
Third party certified means that the product was tested by a lab that has nothing to do with the production, sale, or success of the product. Products are tested for safe consumption and ensure that the label matches what is actually in the product. However, many supplement companies skip out on testing. They can cut corners with poor quality production, ingredients, and skimming/spiking products. Skimming products means they may claim it has a certain amount of an ingredient in it, when in reality its only sprinkled in (this is really common with CBD products). Many cheaper supplements are contaminated with heavy metals like mercury, arsenic & lead. Vegan protein powders are the worst offenders of this.
Did you know all nutrition labels only have to be 20% accurate? That’s a huge variation.
Sometimes muscle building products (like Muscle Milk and other ready made drinks) have hidden sodium (that’s not listed on the label) in them to trick people into thinking they have gained muscle weight when in reality it’s just excess sodium holding onto water weight. Amino Acid spiking is also a common issue in protein powders. This means instead of claiming the true amount of whey protein isolate in the powder they spike the supplements with amino acids. This helps them pass basic testing. Quality third party testing can test for spiking.
Here’s some third parties that test supplements. Look for these approvals on your supplements:
CGMP (current good manufacturing practice which is related to the FDA)
Informed Choice (a global quality assurance program for sports nutritional supplements)
Lab Door (independent U.S public lab that tests based on what they grab off the shelf not on what the company sends)
NSF (certified for sport leagues) (independent analysis)
Now keep in mind, some supplement companies may only test once, some once per month, some EVERY batch. They also may test at the date of production and get an A+ but by the time it makes it to your Winners sales bin its expired.
Some products may be cheaper than others due to the dosage. They hide their skimming and spiking with words like “proprietary blend” which basically translates to “we don’t know how much of exactly what is in each scoop”. It’s important to consider if your supplement has ENOUGH of the compound to elicit the change you want or the claim it makes. This is going to vary based on what your taking and your personal deficiencies.
Again, quality matters. Cheaper products may come with cheaply sourced ingredients.
As mentioned above, products can be 20% off in their nutritional labels, this is why third party testing is so important.
Lastly, in specific regards to the most popular supplement - protein powder. How much protein are you getting? Does this come with increased sugar, sodium, carbs and fat? Of course, this is going to be different based on your individual goals. Here’s what I typically look for in 1 scoop of protein powder:
120-150 calories
20-30g of protein
1-3g of carbs (I rather eat my carbs, but if you don’t have time for that you may want something with higher carbs!)
<5g of fat
<1g of sugar (say no to artificial sweeteners!)
No colours or additives
Is the person who is slinging supplements on your social feed educated to do so? Are you more inclined to buy from someone who looks a certain way and claims this supplement got them there? If you’re buying from your favourite influencer that is 100% GREAT, supporting them is awesome and many of them are great people who deserve your support. This is their job, but make sure they do their job too. Ensure they are providing quality research and education on their products. Not just a pretty smile, catchy video, and a 6-pack. A model and an educator are two very different jobs.
Did you know the documentary Game Changers was created by a vegan supplement company? Hidden agenda’s often go unknown. Let’s be smart consumers before we make decisions! We need to ask questions and do our research.
BCAA’s (Branch Chain Amino Acids)
BCAA’s are 3 essential Amino Acids found in every complete protein (animal proteins) source. These are an expensive way to make our water taste good. They are typically full of additives like colours and sweeteners. BCAA’s are only needed for people who are deficient in protein (like some vegans and vegetarians). However, the problem can be fixed more efficiently by eating more protein. Most people get enough BCAAs through their diet if you consume .5+ grams of protein per pound of bodyweight.
Fat Burners
Let’s be honest, if these worked we wouldn’t have an obesity problem. The compounds that actually do work for fat loss have been banned globally and with good reason. I have personally watched a friend illegally take these supplements and die from heart failure in the same year… The ingredients in current fat burners have very little benefit (a small change in suppressing appetite and thermogenesis) and can come with a whole lot of side effects (disrupted sleep, anxiety & irregular heartbeat). They work by using caffeine or bitters to give you a boost in energy. However, your body will adapt to this stimulant then create a new baseline. Now, you need more rev in the tank to get to that “burning” state. You’re setting yourself up for a nasty cycle. We’re better off investing this money elsewhere.
You know what would really help our health and workout better than a tasty powder with fun marketing? SLEEP! Before adding a pre workout to the mix, try getting high quality sleep. If you need a boost? Plain old caffeine will do the trick and coffee has more benefits than the additives in your pre-workout. That skin crawling and tingling feeling from pre-workout? That’s just excess Beta-Alanine and doesn’t have a large effect on your workout, besides placebo effect. Leave the unicorn flavoured water on the shelf. You don’t need it. If you don’t like coffee and you’d like to keep your pre-workout ritual then apply the rules from above. Pick something with the least amount of additives, sweeteners and is third party tested. Keep an eye on the caffeine levels too. Caffeine has a drug like response in your body, that means the more you drink the more of it you need in the long run to get that same boost. Some pre-workouts boast 400mg of cafiene (the equivalent to 3 large coffees). Our body adapts to cafiene intake and needs more to function with the more we take. It’s a bad loop to get into. That’s why its important whether you’re drinking coffee or taking pre workout that you are cycling on and off of it every couple weeks. That way when you do take it, you get that awesome pump you want.
Multi vitamins
Yup, I said it. It’s a bandaid fix. You’re coating your whole body in a minimal dose for supplements you may or may not need. This is not an effective way to manage your health and can be a waste of money in time. Instead, have your doctor do tests to see your deficiencies then supplement accordingly. Multi’s are typically cheaper and low quality.
Beauty teas, powders, and gummies
The classic cross over of the beauty and health industry. Both standing alone are worth 100’s of billions of mostly women’s dollars.
The thing is, we can feel better about ourselves by simply putting us first and getting consistent in our workouts. We feel and look better when we get more high quality sleep, and lift more weights. We have been dieting since age 12, then we wonder why our hair doesn’t grow, why our nails break, why our skin is dull. If you want to improve your beauty, go to sleep, drink more water, eat whole foods, and lift weights.
This should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult with your doctor or naturopath doctor to determine what is best for you. If you’re taking prescription medication, you need to be aware of what may interact with your current medication.
Secondly, everyone is different!
Protein powder
A whey protein or whey protein isolate (for those sensitive to dairy) is the best way to increase your daily protein intake. I typically recommend 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body weight per day when trying to build muscle (or “tone” up). On average, 1 chicken breast is 25g of protein. Now, that’s a lot of chicken for 150lb Siggy! If I want to hit at least 150g of protein, I need to use protein powder to help me get there. Plus, its great when i’m in a hurry at Jolt. Whey is the best form of protein powder because it has all amino acids, is easily digested (followed by casein, egg, & pea), and the most safe. If it’s easily digested it can be used effectively throughout the body.
Although, protein powder could be considered as a processed food, I would argue otherwise. It’s a dairy by-product, if you consume dairy then you consume whey. However quality does matter. Many people state that whey protein gives them digestion issues, and while in some cases that may be linked to the dairy. In other cases it can be connected to the quality of they whey used and the processing of that.
If protein powder has given you indigestion in the past, try upgrading to a higher quality brand and/or switching to a whey isolate.
Creatine Monohydrate
Creatine can be found in animal products. This is one of the only “performance” supplements that we can 100% get behind. The claims live up to the heavily studied research. I saw a massive increase in my strength when I started taking creatine. It also helps with brain function allowing more oxygen and energy to enter the brain. More studies are currently being done to see how creatine can help with brain disorders in the future. Overall, creatine is a gold star for muscle mass and brain health. We do not need to cycle Creatine. Simply take 5g/day at any time of day. Some people may have digestive issues when taking Creatine, if you find it hard on your stomach, try taking 2g/day and building up over time.
Omega 3 Fish Oil
Polyunsaturated fatty acids are considered “essential” they need to be consumed into the body (the body cannot build them). They decrease the risk of coronary artery disease, help lower blood pressure levels, and aid in preventing irregular heartbeats. They are good for mental and physical health. Without healthy fats you may be more likely to suffer from depression, alzheimers, cancer, and obesity. There are two types of fatty acids, Omega 3 and Omega 6.
Specifically, Omega 3 is essential to consume through food. The only way the body has access to this is through diet. Research shows that Omega 3’s help decrease the risk of heart disease and cancer, reduce risk of depression and mental illness, fight autoimmune disease and inflammation, and provide nutrients to the skin. They play an important role in the brain and body.
The major key in life is the ratio of O3s to O6s, there needs to be a balance in consumption. The problem with a typical Western diet is that we over consumes Omega 6 (mostly processed foods) and under consume Omega 3 (wild fatty fish and grass fed beef) , which is a BIG cause of disease and inflammation. A typical Western diet has an Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio of 16:1. We would see increased health at a 3:1 ratio. Western diets consume enough Omega 6. To create balance most people need to supplement an Omega 3 or eat a diet high in O3s regularly. Omega 3s are proven to prevent heart disease, depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar.
A high quality Omega 3 supplement should smell like fresh fish and contain both DHA & EPA. If it smells more like rotten fish or smelly socks or you have nasty burps after taking it then it’s likely rancid or low quality (which can contain mercury!).
I prefer taking the fish oil directly rather than pill form. Half a teaspoon of fish oil makes it easy to get an effective dose rather than taking multiple large pills. When comparing Omega 3 supplements compare the amount of DHA & EPA compared to the serving size and look for products certified by IFOS (International Fish Oil Standards). Companies have to pay to be tested by IFOS for quality, safe and effective fish oil.
Vitamin D
Most Canadians are deficient in Vitamin D due to lack of sunlight and modern life behind computer screen (even my farming clients are typically deficient in Vitamin D). Vitamin D is great for fighting disease, brain health, and fat loss. You may be deficient if you’re easily and often fatigued, easily or often sick, you show signs of depression, bone pain and body aches, delayed healing from wounds/illness, and hair loss. Vitamin D can also help with insulin resistance and stubborn fat loss. Current research shoes the effective dose of Vitamin D may be greater than the RDA.
90% of people are deficient in magnesium, if you want to know if you are - ask your Naturopath Doctor. Magnesium plays a role in hundreds of reactions in your body, it effects how we use nutrients, energy, genes, muscles and our nervous system. It can enhance exercise performance, help with recovery, lead to higher quality sleep, reduce symptoms of PMS, is anti inflammatory and reduces symptoms of depression (yay, brain health again). Signs of magnesium deficiency are poor recovery, achey bones, disrupted sleep, muscle cramps and tremors, brain fog, and headaches. Take magnesium before bed to help reduce stress, boost recovery, and improve sleep quality.
No, I am not referring to Gatorade. Electrolytes are made up of potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium. Electrolytes are great for those who work high stress jobs or shift work (stress burns sodium), outdoor physical labour jobs, or jobs where you get sweaty, and those who eat 90% whole foods (low sodium). Electrolytes help keep you hydrated which can help with headaches, brain fog, fatigue, and more. They help with muscle contractions and therefore may be a good option for people who experience muscle cramping. They help the water hydrate you. Choose an electrolyte powder that doesn’t come with the added sweeteners, sugar, and additives. Previous research linked sodium to hypertension. Current research proves it’s not the sodium, but an over consumption of processed foods and lack of physical activity that causes hypertension, not sodium alone. The more whole food diet you eat (no processed foods), the higher dose of electrolytes you will need.
A Canadian based company that tests EVERY SINGLE batch FOUR TIMES! Plus, it’s third party tested and cGMP and Informed Choice certified. That mean’s there is NO heavy metal contamination (super common in cheap supplements). It’s made with high quality ingredients. You get what you pay for with ATP Labs, it’s more expensive and 100% worth it. It’s free of fillers, additives, GMO’s, artificial colours and sweeteners, no magnesium stearate or titanium dioxide. Every step of the process happens in house, in Canada, that means even more care for their product (they always have eyes on their lab, processing, and production). Rather than sourcing materials from over seas. The other thing we ikee about ATP Labs is their marketing. Their products aren’t tied to Youtube celebrities and gimmicky marketing campaigns. You can pick up your ATP Labs locally at Jolt Fitness.
We can help you decide on what you need or review the ATP Labs website.
Please note, we re-stock our supplements every 60-90 days. Current stock is listed in the app. All prices are the same as the ATP Labs website, but purchasing from Jolt helps support small local business.