All Canadians are less active than we have ever been. In 2018, only 38% of kids ages 6 to 12 played team sports on a regular basis, down from 45% in 2008, according to research from the Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA). We can only suspect that the last 2 years of closures will have even more kids dropping out of sport in 2022.

When it comes to their in gym training, it’s important that the training is dosed appropriately, creates fundamental movement skills, and is a positive and fun experience.


Keeping kids active through multiple sports is best for their long term development. However, sports are more expensive than ever and have an increasing commitment to travel. A child as young as 8 years old can be expected to travel up to 3 hours for a single hockey game and play multiple games per week. Both playing the sport and the travel commitment can cost parents thousands of dollars. This leaves parents with little choice in enrolling their kids in multiple sports. There’s just not enough days in the week to get multiple kids to multiple sports.

Early specialization can actually hinder an athletes ability to perform long term. A child needs to be exposed to different movement patterns and become competent and confident in moving their bodies in different directions and speeds. A sport like hockey will develop alactic power, soccer would develop aerobic capacity, and baseball would help with agility and hand-eye coordination. The more sports the athlete can be involved in, the more well rounded the athlete can be when they do start to specialize in their chosen sport at age 14+.

So if you can’t get your child to multiple sports and you’re looking for your child to be the most well rounded athlete, what is another great option? Training at Jolt!

YOUTH TRAINING (ages 10-13)

When it comes to youth training in the gym. It’s important we expose them to a variety of drills, activities and movement patterns. The drills they will participate in will mimic the effect of playing multiple sports. They will get the strength of a gymnast, the hand eye coordination of a goaltender, the speed of a sprinter, the power of a linebacker, and so on. The purpose of youth training is to engage the kids with fitness and give them a positive experience. It’s a handshake to them early, so they can feel confident to return when their sport requires more specific training.

As a parent, you may even feel intimidated by the gym. Consider this, if you were exposed to healthy fitness practices at a young age, would returning to the gym in your adult life be less intimidating? The answer is YES! Early positive exposure puts another tool in the child’s tool belt that they can reach for at any time in their life whether for sport specialization down the road or general fitness as an adult.

STRONGKIDS: We offer a 50 minute class for kids ages 10-13. They can drop in on a weekly basis at a discounted rate of 15$.


Our STRONGTEEN (ages 14-17) class at Jolt helps progress youth to the next level. This bridge class helps them enter into more progressive and structured forms of movement. We help them develop all energy systems, strength, power, agility, and mobility. We work on form in fundamental lifts like the deadlift, squat, pushes and pulls. We empower youth to continue their fitness routine by teaching them how, why and when to lift.

This class helps teen's learn proper form, develop fundamental movement skills, and socialize in a space that is safe, fun, and challenging! The purpose of this class is to teach teens how to lift weights to become better athletes and healthier humans. We want our teens to be competent and confident in the gym. When youth participate in the gym in their teens, they won't be as intimidated to return or continue as young adults. We create fitness for life!

STRONGTEEN: We offer a 60 minute class for kids ages 14-17. They can drop in on a weekly basis at a discounted rate of 15$. Plus youth under the age of 18 receive 15% off all memberships and are encouraged to expand into other classes after joining Strongteen.


