Join Coach Bri in a 60 minute discussion to de-bunk common fitness and nutrition trends that specifically target women and prevent them from reaching their goals.
In this seminar you will learn 5 strategies to switch from “surviving” to “thriving” with your nutrition and fitness. She will address the most common myths and fads and answer the following common questions:
How much food do I need to eat to lose weight?
What is reverse dieting?
Is Cardio or Resistance training better for fat loss?
When do we implement cardio for best results?
Will lifting heavy weights make me look bulky?
How often should I be working out to reach my goals?
How is overtraining and high intensity workouts effecting my progress?
Why am I not seeing results when I am training and eating healthy?
Coach Bri:
NASM Group Fitness Instructor
DTS Personal Trainer Level 1
Barbell Rehab Certified Trainer (bridging the gap between physical therapy & fitness)
Barbell Rehab Certified - Strength Training for Post-Operative Client