Historically speaking, women's fitness marketing has not been kind to us. For far too long, it has perpetuated unrealistic ideals and focused on superficial goals, neglecting the true essence of health and strength. This has often left many feeling broken and overlooked, but thankfully, there is a shifting tide. As more educational training methods break through to the general population, there's a sense of hope and possibility for a future where women's fitness is celebrated for strength, resiliency and quality.

The words of Supermodel Kate Moss, “nothing tastes as good as skill feels” was my motto growing up as a teen in the early 2000’s. The Victoria Secret Fashion show was the biggest television event of the year. It seemed like "body building" starvation-based diets ruled Pinterest and every magazine cover featured impossibly thin models. My mirror was covered in photos of skinny women to motivate me to not to cave into the evil calories living in the fridge. One specific diet I remember enduring included simply half a grapefruit and 2 egg whites for breakfast. I spent a lot of the time in the gym performing brutal “HIIT” based workouts, workouts that lasted hours, and handcuffing myself to the stair master. I suffered for almost a decade in and out of the deep waters of disordered eating and excessive exercise. Fortunately I kept swimming in those waters, I picked up lifejackets through education along the way and made it to an island. That island is now called Jolt Fitness, where the Jolt trainers help people swim to shore, no matter what type of deep dark water they are fighting, and find fitness and health success rooted in integrity, resiliency and the goal of a higher quality life.

In celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8th, we reached out to the inspiring women of the Jolt Fitness community and invited them to express their dedication to fitness and well-being in hopes to inspire others. If you have tried a gym in the past and quickly decided it wasn’t for you, then I hope these women will help empower you to try again, to never give up and keep pushing for integrity in women’s health.

Sarah H.

“I am a (proud) Single Mom.  Five years ago my entire world completely shattered into a million little pieces.  I was lost.  My identity as I knew was solely Wife/Mom.  At my lowest point I felt completely broken beyond repair, ready to just give up.  I had no idea who I was beyond ‘Mother of Three’.  However, giving up was not an option.  I had 3 kids depending on me (and watching my every move).

I began my journey into fitness by simply walking.  I needed to get out of my house and out my head - it was 2020, the early days of COVID.  And walking provided me time alone to decompress.  This became routine, and I found I needed walking time to meditate.  I started to feel better, my walks became longer, but I needed something more.

I started following Jolt on social media out of curiosity - I didn’t consider myself a “fitness guru” by any stretch of the imagination.  My lack of self confidence led me to believe I didn’t belong in the gym amongst the elite.  I’d simply be in their way making a fool of myself.  Scrolling through Jolt’s social media posts convinced me otherwise- I recognized members.  I didn’t just see super athletes and olympic bodybuilders.  Self-assured, I decided to give it a try.  Best decision I’ve ever made!

I absolutely love working out at Jolt.  Personal growth is one of my top priorities.  And since joining Jolt in 2023, I’ve made huge progress with my goals.  Physical gains have become secondary to the mental hurdles I’ve overcome.  Although I’m incredibly proud to say I’ve learned how to deadlift (I didn’t even know what that terminology meant 2 years ago), and can almost do a headstand, the fact that I’m slowly gaining confidence in learning who I am is partly thanks to the incredible Jolt community.  Over and above the knowledgeable trainers who program and instruct classes, the members and staff alike are incredibly empowering.  I can confidently say every time I walk out the doors of Jolt I feel better, not only physically.  There’s no shortage of empathy or compassion (some of my best therapy sessions happen at 5am!).

I never thought I would ever be someone who enjoyed lifting weights or practicing yoga, but here I am loving it!  Sure, the physiological benefits of fitness are great- improving health and wellness, disease prevention, stress management.  And yes I’ll admit, the rewards of a rounder peach isn’t a bad payoff!  But the most rewarding part of working out is seeing how proud my children are!  Being the best mom I can be is my number one priority in life!

When it comes to fitness and going to the gym, here is the best advice I can offer to any woman self doubting, lost, or just feeling broken… Girl, we got you!  The hardest yet best decision will be walking through those doors for the very first time.  All those shattered pieces laying around your feet- gather them up and head straight to Jolt!  We will put all those shiny bits back together, they may not be the same, some will be missing, and some will no longer fit together.  Don’t worry new pieces await, stronger ones!” 


1. Why do you love to workout at Jolt?

I love working out at Jolt Fitness because it’s so much more than just a gym, it’s a community! There’s something for everyone at Jolt. The trainers are absolutely amazing, always dedicated, supportive, and ready to help with anything anyone needs. They create such a positive environment that makes it feel like a safe space to work out no matter where you’re at in your fitness journey. It’s so nice to be able to show up and see so many familiar faces, and it’s always exciting to see some new ones too.

The flexible class times fit perfectly into so many schedules, and I love that they make everyone feel welcome, whether you’re just starting out or have been working out for years. Plus, they’re always introducing new challenges and encouraging us to step outside our comfort zones, which keeps things exciting and pushes me to give my best effort every time. Jolt Fitness is the best!

2. Why is fitness so important to you?

Fitness is important to me because it makes me feel comfortable and confident in both my body and my health. It gives me the energy I need to power through busy workdays, but it also helps me sleep better at night, which makes such a difference in how I feel overall.

Over time, fitness has become a key part of my daily routine, and working out at Jolt has become such a big part of that. Now, when I take a day off I notice I really feel more sluggish and unmotivated. Staying active helps me feel my best, both physically and mentally, and that’s why it’s such a priority in my life.

3. What do other people need to know about the gym?

Signing up for the gym might feel a little intimidating, but it’s honestly one of the best things you can do for yourself. It’s not just about getting stronger and achieving a certain aesthetic, it’s your time to clear your head, boost your energy, and feel more confident. Once you get past those first few workouts, it starts to feel less overwhelming and becomes a place you look forward to coming to. 

Huge thank you to Siggy and the entire Jolt team for creating such a welcoming and supportive gym space. From the moment you walk through the door, it’s clear this isn’t just a place to work out..it’s a community. You’ve given so many people in our area a place to push themselves, build confidence, and channel their fittest, strongest selves. Your energy, encouragement, and dedication for fitness make all the difference, and i’m so grateful for everything you guys do!


Britt R.

1. Why do you love to workout at Jolt?

My physical and most importantly my mental boost I get once I walk through the door @ Jolt is unmatched. Nothing starts my day better than a group training session, or an awesome PT session with Coach Lo!

2. Why is fitness so important to you?

Fitness is important to me because it has helped me stay up and active with my 2 kids. Also with helping my husband on the farm and in the barns. Fitness @ Jolt has helped my lifestyle activities so much the more and more times I keep showing up for myself!

3. What do other people need to know about the gym?

It may seem intimidating at first but you see all the great people there and it just goes away! You just gotta keep in mind everyone goes to crush goals and cheer everyone else on along the way! I have met so many incredible people through Jolt and I am truly forever grateful for that!

Stop hesitating and come join! I promise after 1 hour you’ll be keen and ready for the next! See ya @ 6am :)



Jolt is not just a place for training and exercise; it is also a space to unwind, socialize & recharge. Jolt is an excellent gym that promotes physical health, offers a safe, functional, & comfortable environment, & provides a pleasant atmosphere for both fitness & for socializing with fellow Jolters.

I have always been passionate about fitness. Working out gives me a mood-boosting effect releasing endorphins to achieve those heavy lifts. Jolting has become a part of my life, it improves my wellbeing, energy levels to keep up with 3 kiddos, seeing my physical strength increase & pushing myself to the next goal. Jolt was there when I was at my lowest & struggling mentally, the Jolt community provided me a self-esteem boost & making new friendships that align with my energy.

It only takes one class to be hooked! Only take one heavy lift to see that Jolt is the atmosphere you need to accomplish your physical & mental health goals. At Jolt there are always badass people cheering for you & encouraging you every step of the way.

Since joining Jolt, fitness has become our family’s passion & priority. My husband, inspired by the progress I have made through Jolt, decided to join as well & pursue the fitness goals he had been struggling to achieve on his own. It’s an environment where my kids get excited to walk through these doors & see the coaches & know they get to work out whether its learning to kickbox, sticking a warrior pose or do a heavy sled push. Jolt is a place where you will always find the Veri family!



“I love our Fit For Life class as it is a perfect time to start my day (kudo's to the early, early class members.)  FFL for me includes every aspect of being fit: warm up, stretching, weight resistance training, lifting, cardio and cool down.  At my age I believe it is everything I need to be doing. There is a camaraderie that has developed among our regular members and it's always nice to welcome someone new to the group.  Any coach we have had is knowledgeable and friendly and always puts us through our paces in a challenging but fun way. And the music is age appropriate or........old! LOL

We grew up active, always outside. Keeping up with 2 older brothers we were always playing baseball, road hockey, swimming and later any high school sports teams I could make.  It wasn't until I started playing on highly competitive teams that the training and fitness focus became a bigger focus, priority and regular part of my life. My sports now at this age are more recreational and I think because of the fitness level developed early on and now adding in JOLT, it has all helped me maintain and still allows me to enjoy and keep up. Being able to go to the gym 2-3 times a week, play pickleball, volleyball, badminton, golf and whatever else I can get into is what I truly enjoy and feel blessed to be able to still participate in.

JOLT is a great place to become involved and start making changes, whether you're experienced with the gym or not.  You are with other people who are like minded and are there for probably very much the same reasons you are. Our bodies, fitness levels and strength are all different,  so don't compare yourself to anyone else, just do what you can for yourself today and have a few laughs with the class you are participating in.  The staff are with you every step, lift, squat along the way, teaching, modifying, cheering us on with their knowledge, professionalism and fun!

JOLT has a lot to offer beyond workouts, and I have learned plenty about supplements, nutrition, and other knowledgeable tidbits that are all working towards a healthy lifestyle.”


If you have been holding back from joining a gym due to outdated beliefs about fitness, or if you have felt overwhelmed by the carefully curated online gym culture, we hope that reading these stories will inspire and encourage you to give it another try. Whether you have previously tried a gym but didn't continue, or if you're still searching for the right fit, we encourage you to persist in prioritizing your own well-being. Each of the women mentioned above is unique in terms of their personality, body, fitness objectives, and motivations, yet they all share a common determination to lead a resilient and high quality life. The Jolt Fam community, to which they belong, is a group of inclusive individuals eager to extend the support and experiences we've created in between these walls.

In conclusion, the stories shared by the amazing women at Jolt Fitness inspire us to keep pushing towards our health and fitness goals with resilience and authenticity. As we see a positive change in how women's fitness is perceived, let's continue to push for more integrity in women’s health and remember that every step we take towards our resiliency is important. May these stories encourage us to prioritize integrity, health, and a high quality of life over unrealistic standards. Let's support each other on our paths to a healthier and happier future.


Unlock Your Fitness Potential: The Power of Magnesium